
  • In-Person Reiki:

    “Stacey is a gifted healer. I have had a few personal sessions of Reiki with Stacey and I have had a few group sessions that Stacey was a participant in.

    Her compassion for people and her healing heart are what make Stacey's Reiki sessions so special. She feels things about her client and allows her intuition to lead her sessions to allow her clients to have energy balancing and peace. I highly recommend you call Stacey to book Reiki sessions for yourself and the people who are important in your life.” ~ Margalena W.

  • Distance Reiki:

    “Amazing! I started feeling more energetic and at one point could feel the energy flowing from my feet. I am feeling calmer and so much better. I am handling issues with less stress, and I feel great!” ~ Paige R.

  • Distance Reiki:

    “Before my Reiki session with Stacey I was experiencing a lot of anxiety. After my session I do not have a knot in my stomach and the pressure is off. Great job!” ~ Heather W.

  • Distance Reiki:

    “I was in quite a bit of pain with my diverticulitis. Stacey told me what she was doing as she was administering Reiki to each part of my body. The session and Stacey’s voice was so relaxing that the pain was reduced. I was able to sleep that night and I was shocked when I woke up with no pain!” ~ John C.

  • Distance Reiki:

    “I had a Reiki session over the phone with Stacey and it was wonderful. The session was very relaxing. About 30 minutes after my session, I had so much energy that lasted for days and I was also in a great mood. I will continue to work with her. Thank you, Stacey!” ~ Lena K.

  • Distance Chakra Balancing:

    “During my session I could feel each chakra being worked on and immediately after my session I was feeling better. The next day I woke up and noticed my throat chakra was cleared and I could speak without it being tight in my throat.” ~ Brad B.

send me a review

If you have a few minutes today, I would love to get your feedback on your experience.

Google Business Profile Review: https://g.page/r/CZJ8GnYZcrPIEAE/review

Yelp Business Review: https://www.yelp.com/writeareview/biz/R77SyjfPgrIDJmO6l6GHZQ?return_url=%2Fbiz%2FR77SyjfPgrIDJmO6l6GHZQ

Website Testimony: Send me a testimony using this form or you can email contact@cardinalangel.com.

Thank you!