• Reiki is a Japanese technique focused on stress reduction, relaxation, and healing through the practice of "laying on hands." It is based on the belief that an unseen "life force energy" flows through individuals, influencing their well-being. The term "Reiki" combines "Rei," meaning "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power," and "Ki," referring to "life force energy." The practice aims to balance and enhance this energy to promote health and happiness. A Reiki treatment involves a soothing energy flow, addressing the entire person—body, emotions, mind, and spirit—resulting in relaxation, peace, and other benefits. Reiki is considered a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement, complementing other medical or therapeutic techniques for overall well-being.

  • Life force flows through us, sustaining our existence via pathways such as chakras, meridians, and nadis within the physical body, as well as in the energy field surrounding us known as the aura. This life force nourishes organs and cells, supporting their vital functions. Disruptions in this flow can lead to diminished organ and tissue function.

    The life force is influenced by our thoughts and feelings, and negative ones can disrupt its flow, impacting physical well-being. Reiki addresses this by flowing through the affected energy field, infusing positive energy. This process raises the vibratory level, causing negative thoughts and feelings to dissipate. Consequently, Reiki clears and heals energy pathways, enabling the life force to flow naturally and healthily.

  • Reiki, being guided by God-consciousness, is benevolent and incapable of causing harm. It always knows what a person needs and will address an individual's specific needs, adjusting itself to create the appropriate effect. If you have cause for concern, please consult your healthcare professional.

    The Reiki practitioner's role is not to direct or decide on the healing process. Since the practitioner does not actively perform the healing, the ego is less likely to interfere, allowing the pure presence of God to shine through the Reiki process.

  • No, Reiki is designed to complement traditional medical or psychological treatments rather than replace them. If someone is dealing with a medical or psychological condition, it is advisable to consult a licensed healthcare professional alongside receiving Reiki treatments. Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.

  • You should receive Reiki as often as you feel is right for you. Only you can truly know what feels right. As a general guide, sessions 1-3 weeks apart for major concerns, and about a month apart for maintenance.

  • What are some of the benefits of Reiki and case studies?

    1. Relieves pain, anxiety, and fatigue.

    2. Treats depression.

    3. Enhances quality of life.

    4. Boosts Mood.

    5. May improve other symptoms and conditions.

    Reiki may also be used to treat:

    • headache

    • tension

    • insomnia

    • nausea

    The relaxation response that happens with Reiki may benefit these symptoms.

    Disclaimer: The content of this website is for informational and educational purposes only and should not serve as medical advice, consultation, or diagnosis. If you have a medical concern, please consult your healthcare provider, or seek immediate medical treatment.

  • • Fatigue, Weakness

    • Stressed, Overwhelmed

    • Feeling down or not yourself

    • Sleep issues

    • Noise sensitivity

  • During most Reiki treatments, individuals often experience a sense of relaxation and upliftment. However, there are instances where a person may undergo a healing adjustment. As the person's vibration rises during the treatment, stored toxins in the body are released into the bloodstream for filtration by the liver and kidneys, ultimately being eliminated from the system. This process may manifest as symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, or weakness.

    It is recommended to increase water intake, opt for lighter meals, and get more rest. These symptoms indicate a cleansing of the body as part of the overall healing process and are generally considered positive signs.

  • Reiki energy flows from the practitioners’ hands into the client. In a session the client lies fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner gently places hands over, near, or on the body in positions around the head and shoulders, the abdomen and the legs and feet. Each position is held for several minutes depending on how much Reiki the client needs at each position. The lights will be dimmed, and soft music will be played. Session may include the use of sound healing, crystals, and incense unless there are any sensitivities. After your session, it is always good to drink a glass of water since there will be energy movement.

  • You will want to be in a relaxing environment that is free from distractions. Have a place where you can lie down comfortably and dim your lights. We will go over any last-minute questions. I will play some soft music and I will describe where I am holding and sending the Reiki energy as I move throughout the chakras to help you better envision and connect with the Reiki energy. When completed we will go over what you experienced. After your session, it is always good to drink a glass of water since there will be energy movement.