Cardinal Angel holistic wellness practice offering In-Person Reiki sessions to clients in Bowling Green, Kentucky and Distance Reiki sessions to clients around the United States.  In-Person & Distance Reiki sessions. Bowling Green, KY

Cardinal Angel LLC is a holistic wellness practice offering In-Person Reiki services to clients in Bowling Green, Kentucky and Distance Reiki services to clients around the United States. My mission is to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by providing gentle and effective Reiki treatments. The Bowling Green, Kentucky studio provides a serene and welcoming environment for relaxation and healing.  The distance option provides the comfort of your own home and can be easier to fit into your busy schedule.

  • $ 75.00

    Reiki is a non-invasive energy healing. During an In-Person Reiki session, hands are placed over, near or on top of the body with very light static pressure.

    Benefits can include deep relaxation, freedom from stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of lightness, mental clarity or grounding, peacefulness, greater love, and hopefulness.

    Session may include the use of sound healing, crystals, and incense unless there are any sensitivities.


  • $ 40.00

    Enjoy Reiki in the comfort of your own home! Reiki is a non-invasive energy healing. Reiki is effectively transmitted remotely across any distance. Distance Reiki is just as effective as in-person Reiki.

    I save money by working in my own home, so I am passing on those savings to you. Benefits can include deep relaxation, freedom from stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of lightness, mental clarity or grounding, peacefulness, greater love, and hopefulness.

    Choose a day and time when you are not distracted, are relaxed, but not sleeping. This 40-minute session includes a pre and post treatment discovery with distance Reiki via Zoom or phone (within the USA).


  • $ 20.00

    Animals naturally resonate with Reiki and derive similar benefits as humans do, making it an effective method for addressing injuries, emotional issues, and other challenges they may face. Reiki is effectively transmitted remotely across any distance. Distance Reiki is just as effective as in-person Reiki which is a benefit since many animals experience anxiety with unfamiliar people or places.

    Stacey will conduct this Distant Animal Reiki sessions with you and your animal over the phone (within the USA) for 20-minutes. She will call you at the appointment time that you choose. While on the phone, you can spend quite time with your beloved animal and Stacey will send Reiki to your animal.


  • $100 (No Travel)

    Additional fees if traveling to space:

    • IRS Standard Mileage

    • $0.07 per sqft of space

    • Any other normal travel cost such as, but not limited to: Hotel, Flight, and Car Rental

    Feeling off lately? Reiki can help clear both your mind and your environment. Consider a Reiki House Blessing to rejuvenate your space.

    Have you just moved into a new house?  

    Uncomfortable in certain areas of your house?  

    Had a major argument in your house?

    Going through a divorce?

    Dealing with grief or loss that lingers in your space?

    Struggling to sell or rent your property?

    Want to let go of negative energy and thoughts that do not serve you?

    Revitalize your house space with positive, healing energy. Try a Reiki House Blessing today!


  • $ FREE

    All new clients are encouraged to book a free 30-minute consultation with Stacey. These consultations occur via phone (within the USA).

    It is important that you feel comfortable and safe with any professional you visit. Set up a consultation, completely risk free, before you make your decision.

    Your Preparation

    Please have a list of questions ready in advance of the call, as well as 3-5 key points about your situation and goals.

    FAQ can be found here.


  • $ 75.00

    Chakra Balancing is a non-invasive energy healing. During an In-Person Chakra Balancing session, hands are placed near the body.

    Chakras are energy centers in our body that impact our physical and emotional well-being. When energy becomes blocked, it can result in feeling stuck or unable to progress in life. Chakra balancing aims to clear stagnant energy, making space for abundance, love, and happiness. This process aligns the body's seven main chakras promoting a sense of calm and harmony. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of life, and imbalances can manifest physically and emotionally.

    Root Chakra - Physical imbalances related to the root chakra affect various body parts like the legs and immune system, while emotional imbalances influence basic survival needs such as money and shelter.

    Sacral Chakra - Physical imbalances associated with the sacral chakra can lead to sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney infections, and hip, pelvic, and lower back pain. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra may cause fear of commitment in relationships, difficulty expressing emotions, fear of impotence, feelings of betrayal, and struggles with addiction.

    Solar Plexus Chakra - Physical imbalances linked to the solar plexus chakra include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and colon issues. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra can manifest as struggles with personal power and self-esteem.

    Heart Chakra - Physical imbalances associated with the heart chakra may include asthma, heart disease, lung disease, breast issues, lymphatic problems, and upper back and shoulder issues. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra can manifest as jealousy, feelings of abandonment, anger, bitterness, and fear of loneliness.

    Throat Chakra - Physical imbalances related to the throat chakra can result in thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, ear infections, and neck and shoulder pain. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra may lead to a fear of communication, challenges with willpower, and feelings of being out of control.

    Third Eye Chakra - Physical imbalances linked to the third eye chakra may include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, seizures, hearing loss, and hormonal imbalances. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra can manifest as moodiness, volatility, and a tendency towards self-reflection.

    Crown Chakra - Physical imbalances related to the crown chakra can manifest as depression, difficulty learning, sensitivity to light, sound, and the environment. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra may lead to feelings of confusion, prejudice, and self-doubt.


  • $ 40.00

    Enjoy chakra balancing in the comfort of your own home! Chakra balancing is a non-invasive energy healing and is effectively transmitted remotely across any distance. Distance chakra balancing is just as effective as in-person.

    I save money by working in my own home, so I am passing on those savings to you.

    Choose a day and time when you are not distracted, are relaxed, but not sleeping. This 40-minute session includes a pre and post treatment discovery with distance chakra balancing via Zoom or phone (within the USA).

    Chakras are energy centers in our body that impact our physical and emotional well-being. When energy becomes blocked, it can result in feeling stuck or unable to progress in life. Chakra balancing aims to clear stagnant energy, making space for abundance, love, and happiness. This process aligns the body's seven main chakras promoting a sense of calm and harmony. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of life, and imbalances can manifest physically and emotionally.

    Root Chakra - Physical imbalances related to the root chakra affect various body parts like the legs and immune system, while emotional imbalances influence basic survival needs such as money and shelter.

    Sacral Chakra - Physical imbalances associated with the sacral chakra can lead to sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney infections, and hip, pelvic, and lower back pain. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra may cause fear of commitment in relationships, difficulty expressing emotions, fear of impotence, feelings of betrayal, and struggles with addiction.

    Solar Plexus Chakra - Physical imbalances linked to the solar plexus chakra include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and colon issues. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra can manifest as struggles with personal power and self-esteem.

    Heart Chakra - Physical imbalances associated with the heart chakra may include asthma, heart disease, lung disease, breast issues, lymphatic problems, and upper back and shoulder issues. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra can manifest as jealousy, feelings of abandonment, anger, bitterness, and fear of loneliness.

    Throat Chakra - Physical imbalances related to the throat chakra can result in thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, ear infections, and neck and shoulder pain. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra may lead to a fear of communication, challenges with willpower, and feelings of being out of control.

    Third Eye Chakra - Physical imbalances linked to the third eye chakra may include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, seizures, hearing loss, and hormonal imbalances. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra can manifest as moodiness, volatility, and a tendency towards self-reflection.

    Crown Chakra - Physical imbalances related to the crown chakra can manifest as depression, difficulty learning, sensitivity to light, sound, and the environment. Emotionally, imbalances in this chakra may lead to feelings of confusion, prejudice, and self-doubt.



  • Reiki is a Japanese technique focused on stress reduction, relaxation, and healing through the practice of "laying on hands." It is based on the belief that an unseen "life force energy" flows through individuals, influencing their well-being. The term "Reiki" combines "Rei," meaning "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power," and "Ki," referring to "life force energy." The practice aims to balance and enhance this energy to promote health and happiness. A Reiki treatment involves a soothing energy flow, addressing the entire person—body, emotions, mind, and spirit—resulting in relaxation, peace, and other benefits. Reiki is considered a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement, complementing other medical or therapeutic techniques for overall well-being.

  • Life force flows through us, sustaining our existence via pathways such as chakras, meridians, and nadis within the physical body, as well as in the energy field surrounding us known as the aura. This life force nourishes organs and cells, supporting their vital functions. Disruptions in this flow can lead to diminished organ and tissue function.

    The life force is influenced by our thoughts and feelings, and negative ones can disrupt its flow, impacting physical well-being. Reiki addresses this by flowing through the affected energy field, infusing positive energy. This process raises the vibratory level, causing negative thoughts and feelings to dissipate. Consequently, Reiki clears and heals energy pathways, enabling the life force to flow naturally and healthily.

  • Reiki, being guided by God-consciousness, is benevolent and incapable of causing harm. It always knows what a person needs and will address an individual's specific needs, adjusting itself to create the appropriate effect. If you have cause for concern, please consult your healthcare professional.

    The Reiki practitioner's role is not to direct or decide on the healing process. Since the practitioner does not actively perform the healing, the ego is less likely to interfere, allowing the pure presence of God to shine through the Reiki process.

  • No, Reiki is designed to complement traditional medical or psychological treatments rather than replace them. If someone is dealing with a medical or psychological condition, it is advisable to consult a licensed healthcare professional alongside receiving Reiki treatments. Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.

  • You should receive Reiki as often as you feel is right for you. Only you can truly know what feels right. As a general guide, sessions 1-3 weeks apart for major concerns, and about a month apart for maintenance.

  • What are some of the benefits of Reiki and case studies?

    1. Relieves pain, anxiety, and fatigue.

    2. Treats depression.

    3. Enhances quality of life.

    4. Boosts Mood.

    5. May improve other symptoms and conditions.

    Reiki may also be used to treat:

    • headache

    • tension

    • insomnia

    • nausea

    The relaxation response that happens with Reiki may benefit these symptoms.

    Disclaimer: The content of this website is for informational and educational purposes only and should not serve as medical advice, consultation, or diagnosis. If you have a medical concern, please consult your healthcare provider, or seek immediate medical treatment.

  • • Fatigue, Weakness

    • Stressed, Overwhelmed

    • Feeling down or not yourself

    • Sleep issues

    • Noise sensitivity

  • During most Reiki treatments, individuals often experience a sense of relaxation and upliftment. However, there are instances where a person may undergo a healing adjustment. As the person's vibration rises during the treatment, stored toxins in the body are released into the bloodstream for filtration by the liver and kidneys, ultimately being eliminated from the system. This process may manifest as symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, or weakness.

    It is recommended to increase water intake, opt for lighter meals, and get more rest. These symptoms indicate a cleansing of the body as part of the overall healing process and are generally considered positive signs.

  • Reiki energy flows from the practitioners’ hands into the client. In a session the client lies fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner gently places hands over, near, or on the body in positions around the head and shoulders, the abdomen and the legs and feet. Each position is held for several minutes depending on how much Reiki the client needs at each position. The lights will be dimmed, and soft music will be played. Session may include the use of sound healing, crystals, and incense unless there are any sensitivities. After your session, it is always good to drink a glass of water since there will be energy movement.

  • You will want to be in a relaxing environment that is free from distractions. Have a place where you can lie down comfortably and dim your lights. We will go over any last-minute questions. I will play some soft music and I will describe where I am holding and sending the Reiki energy as I move throughout the chakras to help you better envision and connect with the Reiki energy. When completed we will go over what you experienced. After your session, it is always good to drink a glass of water since there will be energy movement.

Welcome to Cardinal Angel LLC! My mission is to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by providing gentle and effective Reiki treatments.

Pre-appointment: Please be ready at least 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.

After the appointment: Drink plenty of water and listen to your body.

No-Show & Late Policy: By booking you authorize Cardinal Angel LLC to charge your credit card a no-show fee of 100% of the scheduled value of your appointment should you miss your visit without proper notification.  If the client cancels less than 24 hours of their scheduled appointment, or does not show up for their appointment, the client will be charged the full amount of the session booked. 

If you are late for your appointment, your allotted appointment minutes may need to be adjusted accordingly.

Refund Policy: All our sessions, auto-pay, and gift certificates are not transferable to other clients, and cannot be combined with other discounted offers.  Also, we do not offer cash refunds for our sessions, auto-pay, or gift certificates, however we will honor an equal exchange (credit) for other services we provide.

Cancelation Policy: Cardinal Angel LLC requires 24 hours advance notice when canceling appointments. If you have any questions, please email Cardinal Angel LLC at or call 270-864-6425.

Book appointment


If you have a few minutes today, I would love to get your feedback on your experience.

Google Business Profile Review:

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Website Testimony: Email me a testimony I can use on my website at

Thank you!

Welcome! My name is Stacey, and I am a Kentucky native and owner of Cardinal Angel LLC. I am a compassionate and empathetic Reiki practitioner with an Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master certification. My mission is to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by providing gentle and effective Reiki treatments.

about me

Reiki guidance. Reiki support.  Reiki love.  Reiki blessings.  Reiki caring.  Spiritual healing.  Emotional healing.  Physical healing.  Reiki healing.  Reiki energy.  Divine wisdom.  Peace.  Hope

Contact me

Do you have any questions?

Have you checked out the FAQ section here?

Do you need an appointment time that is not available?

Send me a message using the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


đź“ž +1 (270) 864-6425

Located in the
historic Milliken Building
(By Appointment Only)

1039 College Street
Floors 1 & 3
Bowling Green, KY 42101

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